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    Qt continental view in univisual improvements · 83b2c5af
    Lemni authored
    [univ] access children of star or galaxy
    [desk] externalize findStar, handle continent for selection
    [artist] fix continent pie drawing, adjusted cont text content and pos
    [gui] view fitting actions: current or specific star
    [gui] fix of "play next" during exit action
    [qt] fit actions take bounds of object instead of center
    [qt] counts polygons in visible items
    [qt] isolate QtAntechamber
    [qt] volume slider allow vol change by click
    [qt] effective selectable option for main window
    [test] added test (muted) for qt contDisplay check
    [test] added children test in univ test
    [doc] updated changelog
    Qt continental view in univisual improvements
    Lemni authored
    [univ] access children of star or galaxy
    [desk] externalize findStar, handle continent for selection
    [artist] fix continent pie drawing, adjusted cont text content and pos
    [gui] view fitting actions: current or specific star
    [gui] fix of "play next" during exit action
    [qt] fit actions take bounds of object instead of center
    [qt] counts polygons in visible items
    [qt] isolate QtAntechamber
    [qt] volume slider allow vol change by click
    [qt] effective selectable option for main window
    [test] added test (muted) for qt contDisplay check
    [test] added children test in univ test
    [doc] updated changelog
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