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    Finish base display features · f68799ab
    Lemni authored
    * Corrected script name
    * Added id to entry for unique reference
    * Added autodetection of char with most data for default display
    * Added vertical line for end of time span
    * Fixed syntax of js to be directly callable
    * Added generic spot spans display
    * Added clickability to generic and common time spans
    * Added ability to detach visual for maximum window width use
    * Fixed input for intricated cases: <br> in default text input automatically changed to \n at page load time for cleaner visual
    * Added on-page information about content and actions
    Finish base display features
    Lemni authored
    * Corrected script name
    * Added id to entry for unique reference
    * Added autodetection of char with most data for default display
    * Added vertical line for end of time span
    * Fixed syntax of js to be directly callable
    * Added generic spot spans display
    * Added clickability to generic and common time spans
    * Added ability to detach visual for maximum window width use
    * Fixed input for intricated cases: <br> in default text input automatically changed to \n at page load time for cleaner visual
    * Added on-page information about content and actions